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  • “The four elements of the name of the license applicant, as well as his family name and domicile;
    - الاسم الرباعي واللقب لطالب الترخيص ومحل إقامته.
  • You may be able to buy a pass from a local.
    أنت يمكن أن تشتري ترخيص من محليّ.
  • 6140 Licence linked with local production
    6140 ترخيص مرتبط بالإنتاج المحلي
  • I have one Ryan Montgomery who applied for a liquor license in Queens.
    لدي شخص واحد باسم " رايان مونتقري " قدم على ترخيص محل خمور في " كوينز "
  • He handcuffed him and hit him on the head (causing an injury to the skull for which he subsequently had to be hospitalized), and threatened to withdraw his municipal hawker's licence.
    وقيد يديه وضربه في رأسه (مسببا إصابة في الجمجمة استدعت نقله إلى المستشفى)، وهدده بسحب ترخيصه المحلي كبائع متجول.
  • The local licensing system instituted under the policy had increased transparency in the sector, and there had been no signs that human trafficking had increased.
    وقد ازدادت شفافية نظام الترخيص المحلي الذي أنشئ في هذا القطاع بموجب هذه السياسة، وليس ثمة أي دليل على أن الاتجار بالبشر قد ازداد.
  • She suggested that the key to eliminating illegal trade lay in the active enforcement of domestic licensing requirements and the publicizing of successful prosecutions.
    وأشارت إلى إن المفتاح إلى القضاء على الاتجار غير المشروع يكمن في الإنفاذ الفعّال لمتطلبات الترخيص المحلية، والإعلان عن المحاكمات الناجحة.
  • Recommendations to UNCTAD UNCTAD, in cooperation with the International Trade Centre (ITC), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), IFOAM, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and other relevant institutions, should contribute to the development of the supply capacity of developing countries and assist them in deriving advantage from growing markets for organic products, non-wood forest products etc., in particular by: Providing market information and analysis; Organizing capacity-building workshops by product groups; Undertaking country surveys to identify production and export opportunities; Implementing pilot projects to assist in the design and execution of diversification programmes; Implementing pilot projects on innovative financing such as warehouse receipts; Carrying out analysis and promoting policy dialogues on trade and sustainable development aspects of organic agriculture; Examining ways to promote the practical application of the concept of equivalence and mutual recognition between governmental and private sector standards; Promoting national and regional capacity-building projects, in particular in the framework of the UNEP-UNCTAD Capacity Building Task Force on Trade, Environment and Development (CBTF), to support interested developing countries in promoting trading opportunities for environmentally preferable products; Further developing the TRAINFORTRADE 2000 Module on Trading Opportunities for environmentally friendly products; Examining market strategies, including through the use of electronic commerce; Promoting and facilitating the creation of local and regional certification bodies in developing countries, particularly LDCs.
    • تعزيز البنية الأساسية للترخيص، بما في ذلك هيئات الترخيص المحلية، خاصة في المجالات التي تنطوي على إمكانيات كبيرة للمنتجات والصادرات العضوية؛
  • • Must operate with the full knowledge and authorization of the competent local authority.
    ينبغي أن يشغل بمعرفة كاملة وترخيص من سلطة محلية مختصة.
  • In accordance with Kuwaiti law, the licence in respect of which the business was registered was in the name of a Kuwaiti national (the “business licence holder”).
    ووفقاً للقانون الكويتي، يسجِّل ترخيص فتح المحل باسم مواطن كويتي ("صاحب الترخيص").